Save Money on New York Workers' Compensation Claims
New York is a difficult state for employers and those in defense of workers' compensation. It has always been a very 'claimant-friendly' state, leaving employers and carriers staring at the possibility of paying years of benefits with little leverage to fight back with. Open and Closed NY WCB claims tend to give carriers and employers headaches. Well...not any longer!Click HERE to view a recent Board's decision to reopen a "closed' claim in which Workfinders was assigned.
Our strategic Return-to-Work program for NY WCB claims is proven to help defenses reopen "closed" WCB claims, allowing you to argue ongoing and future indemnity benefits and talk settlement, consequently supplying a great opportunity for considerable cost savings. Our program is also proven to save you money on active/open NY WCB claims. Regardless of status of the claim, we press the issue of 'Attachment to Labor Market' through our aggressive style and focus of vocational rehabilitation and job placement. AS a result, we provide you with a risk mitigation strategy in New York that works.
Proof always helps, right? Below, please click on the HERE link below to open an actual decision by the WCB to reopen a previously "closed" claim in which we provided our Return-to-Work service. Areas have been highlighted with notes of interest and vital info redacted. Also below is the actual (redacted) RTW summary report of that reopened claim:
Click HERE to view a recent Board's decision to reopen a "closed' claim in which Workfinders was assigned.
Click HERE to view our actual summary report of the same reopened claim.
On top of page 4 of 5 in the Board's Decision is of extreme importance. The Board states proof of the claimant's lack of response to the carrier that offers job placement through a company that provides such service is sufficient to "raise an issue of fact about whether something other than the claimant's disability was the reason for continue loss of wages.
Therefore the Board panel finds that the carrier's supporting evidence is sufficient to warrant reopening the case on the issue of suspending continuing PPD benefits based upon a post-classification change in wage-earning capacity."
That same paragraph also states that a carrier simply requesting, via a letter, that the claimant seek out job search is NOT sufficient. Point being - you need a vendor who has the experience and Return-to-Work strategies in place to put you in the best position for substantial loss mitigation outcomes in New York. As you can see from the summary report, we schedule actual job appointments for claimants to attend then follow up with employers to ascertain results. We test motivation and get results. Other vendors are simply not aggressive enough to get the results we do.
This decision is hard proof that our program is essential in overturning "closed" WCB claims and to argue 'Attachment to the Labor Market.' We have been successful in reopening other claims as well.
Workfinders USA will save you money on New York workers' compensation by helping you avoid paying years of indemnity and provide critical leverage and documentation needed for lower, favorable settlements. What was once an uphill battle for New York carriers and employers is now an more level playing field through our aggressive, cost-saving Return-to-Work program.
Interested in learning about our program and our Trial program for new clients? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you within 24 hours. Or you may call us at 414 258 2349
Read why we prefer local businesses over large/national entities when performing Return-to-Work services for workers' compensation claims.